
What is The Barefoot Physio all about?

Ruth explains: “In essence, I started this business so that I would be able to treat people in the manner that I find most effective and personally satisfying, without having to worry about anyone’s finances. When I’ve worked for others, they set the prices and conditions of treatment, and my patients have to abide by those rules, even if it is a struggle for them to meet the cost of their treatment. And if I help folks to feel better quickly, then, well, I’ve had previous employers complain about that. So I felt trapped on both sides, trying to balance everyone’s needs. Now, all my energy can be focused on getting people as well as possible, as fast as possible, and keeping them there as long as possible. And I’m loving it."

With that in mind, I’ve set my fee schedule at $140 for the first session (60 minutes), $120 for the next five sessions, and $100 thereafter. Most people will never need six sessions. In fact, my average number of treatments per pain episode is three, after which the patient has had a significant reduction in pain and is able to self-manage their condition. However, experience suggests that more serious or chronic conditions—which can take more than six sessions to treat—have often already had a financial impact on those they affect. This means that those who most need good treatment are also least able to afford it. I think they should have it, and so I give discounted rates to those people.

“So, if you’re keen to see a knowledgeable, caring physio whose only agenda is getting you well, I guess I’ll see you soon!"